
Township Cross-Country Ski/Hiking Trails

Updated Ski Trail Map

People are still trying to use the old trail that we have removed.   The section of the trail beginning at the Eliza Trailhead, that went through some private property.  There were no issues, but rather the Park Committee is trying to more permanently secure the trail and felt that it was time to reroute some of it.  We have been very fortunate to use these properties for so many years, thank you!  The entire trail will now be accessed through the Dorothy and Fritz Carlton Loop.  You will see signs saying "New Trail" and pointing you across the snowmobile trail towards Lake Eliza, please follow this spur to access the rest of the trail!

In 2022 we added another trail option, close to the Eliza trailhead - a 1.6K loop that goes around our Well House, called the Wellhead Loop.  It is a lollipop loop that does cross the snowmobile trail, so be careful.  Check out the map link above.

Current status of trails (updated 1/29/2025) Still a few thin spots, but finally able to groom!

Keweenaw Area Trails

Updates of area trail conditions can be accessed at Keweenaw Area Trail Reports.